Friday, December 17, 2010

Okay...Bye Bye Blogspot!!

Oh thank God it's Friday.  All week I've been working on my new website...and it's coming together quite nicely.  In fact, the woman at Go Daddy when I called to figure out something said, "Wow! Your website looks really nice!"  That makes me happy since I've never done anything like this in my life.  Usually I like inexperienced...but that's when it comes to detained lovers.  This, on the other hand, is different.  It's like putting together a jigsaw puzzle where the pieces are spread on opposite sides of the house.  However, it's been fun, but time-consuming.

The point is, the site should be ready to launch on Monday.  It has links to everything right there, including the Just Give Up Youtube Channel where you can see ALL the previous VLOGS, videos, etc., the Facebook page, Twitter, along with everything a normal website offers.  Right now, it's only five pages, but once the book is published, I'll be bumping it up to ten so that I'll have pages to sell the book, merchandise, as well as a section that changes every day.  It'll be a lot of work but I'm looking at this as a full-time job.  The only difference will be:

- A new blog.  This blog here at Blogspot will still be up in case you want to read or re-live blogs from the past.  However, there's a blog through my website that will be where all the new blogs go.  Blogspot's been fun, but doing the blog through my own website lets me do much more in terms of having it seen on search engines and whatnot, while Blogspot blogs just really go to Blogspot and sit there.  

Hopefully this doesn't inconvenience anyone...I'm still stunned with how many hits this blog here has gotten.  As of today, there have been just under 10,000 hits on this blog since I started it in October.  Thanks guys for the support.  It's ridiculous how many reads these posts are getting.  And I won't be changing a thing as far as content.  We'll still be talking about Armenian hookers, drunk escapades and celebrity bullshit, only at a different address.  On Monday I'll post the address here as well as on Facebook so you can adjust your bookmarks/favorites/RSS feeds(Greg) accordingly.  Okay, I have to get back to getting this shit done now so I can drink tonight.  Thanks again for the support these last three months guys...the book will be out between March and April, and I need all the buzz I can get.  Have a great weekend and get ready for the new website on Monday!


  1. using godaddy, did u get to meet danica patrick?

  2. Why do you think I went with them? ;)
