Thursday, November 11, 2010

The Things I Do For You People.

So the other night we go to a choir concert for our 4th grade daughter and a few other grade school classes.  Not really the most exciting of ways to spend an evening, especially when it's Monday Night, there's football to watch, and you just know that the groups are going to harmonize about as well as if Whitney Houston and Alex Trebek came out with a duet called "Let's Play Jeopardy, and Then Do Crack."  I mean, the lyrics would probably be pretty comical, but the sound would be just awful.

Anyway, in watching these groups I just kept thinking how these music teachers should really work on getting these kids to be good at ONE note, and get them to learn about rhythm first.  And it's not the kids fault they can't carry a tune. It's the music they listen to.  (Holy crap, did I just pull a "these kids and their music today"?  Good God I've become every cliche'd old man in every comedy sketch ever made).  But the point is made.  The Lady Gaga and the Akon don't give kids anything to strive for.  That's why American Idol sucks anymore, and the only contestants that actually get far on that show are the ones who idolize groups who could sing, like those from Motown and such.  You know, it's hard to describe how harmonizing works by just using words.  This calls for something drastic to make those of you who think Ke$ha and Justin Bieber are great "singers", and rethink your stance on what great music is all about.  I give you drastic.

You know, as I type this at 6:30am, after being up all night putting that stupid thing together, it makes me think of something…SHARE THE BLOG PEOPLE!  SHARE THE FACEBOOK "JUST GIVE UP" PAGE!  Seriously, you're sharing articles from Newsweek and The Onion and Smoking Gun...throw me into the mix, huh?  And big ups to the few of you who ARE sharing it regularly.  See? I'm cool…I said "Big ups". Damn right I'm still young.  And cool.  Wait I said that already.  I said cool twice, didn't I.  Ironic how I'm claiming not to be old when I can't remember something I said five words ago.  What was I talking about again? (Heh.  Alzheimer's joke.  Neat.)  Oh, that's right…sharing.  Look to your right.  Sharing takes a click.  Then go to the Facebook page.  Oh wow…there's a share button there too.  Help a brotha out, y'all.  Or if you don't want to help me out, at least let your friends see what you've been laughing at the last month.  Just like Father MC said, "If you do for me, I will do for you…"  Holy crap, I just quoted Father MC.  Shoot me now.


  1. Ugh, 1, goldfish.
    And 2, goldfish.
    And 3, topper. I had the best video on youtube until I saw that. You slay me champ.

  2. Shaun that was very creative and worth staying up all night. I had a good time wathcing that...Do ya thing man!!! Rodney
